Close-up on strategic workforce and skills planning: the case of ArcelorMittal Construction.
Aragon-eHR simplifies the management of workforce skills of ArcelorMittal Construction
With more than 800 employees spread out over five sites in France, ArcelorMittal Construction is confronted with industrial and human challenges on a daily basis. Challenges in workforce and skills management which the group overcomes thanks to the assistance of Aragon-eHR’s system of evaluation and job and SWFP management.
Responding to production variations
The ArcelorMittal Construction sites within the perimeter of France are subject to fluctuation in activity, which requires us to adjust the teams and adapt the production cycles (from 2×8 to 5×8) to the variation in demand.
Hiring temp workers is partially the way to adapt to the variation in changes, but for the most part, it is the versatility of the employees which makes it possible to effectively organize activity.
Aragon-eHR has responded to this issue with its Skills and Planning module, which provides for the verification and adjustment of the teams in order to better suit the needs of the group.
Supervising the fair evolution of talents
Highlighting the skills that a certain site needs, Aragon-eHR’s Skills & Training module presents the priorities for training and the changes in position that may result. A module that allows 50 local ArcelorMittal Construction managers to assess the skills of their teams and put training needs into perspective, in order to offer them contract advancements.
A first-rate operational advantage, which further ensures equity between employees: they can be sure that there will be a correlation between career development and advancement in skills.
Why did they choose Aragon-eHR?
The ability to adjust skills and versatility in order to respond to situations, in both high and low conditions, is the structional functionality that we were looking for. Aragon-eHR was the only solution which met our needs, with a quick and simple implementation adapted to our organization.
Michel Hervouin – Site Director of ArcelorMittal Construction in Contrisson, France
Aragon-eHR’s services have been retained for its ability to anticipate retirements
One of the major challenges for the industrial sites of the group consists of anticipating retirement departures. With Aragon-eHR’s Skills and Planning module, ArcelorMittal Construction has developed strategic workforce and skills planning practices.
It makes possible to anticipate the position successions thanks to a three-year projection of potential retirements, providing indications of when to schedule training programs and skill advancement.